Area 4 - Flexible and Robust Communication for Stakeholder Engagement 🍎
Engaging parents and the community in the success of our students
Increase teacher and leadership capacity
Improve practices that improve student outcomes
College & career counseling
Implementing innovative, individualized, and inquiry-based programming designed to address our students’ academic needs and needs for resiliency inside and outside the classroom
Promoting equal access and inclusion strategies and structures to address gaps and ensure all stakeholders are seen, heard, and valued
Building trust by providing timely, accurate, transparent, and engaging communication with our stakeholders and community
The most powerful learning results from meaningful, active engagement
To support a diverse learning community
Growth and expansion
Governance and board/superintendent collaboration
Fiscal accountability
Private-public partnerships
Improve communication
Staff support and engagement
Improve the climate
Community Engagement
Recruiting, retaining, and developing an exceptional staff dedicated to and representative of our diverse community
Student Wellbeing
Safe and inclusive school communities
Active collaboration with law enforcement, city, and county commissions
Success for ALL students
To provide students with the knowledge, skills, and support
To help each child live an emotionally balanced life by teaching skills and strategies to be resilient, identify the causes of stress, and reduce stress
Trust is important between all stakeholders. People don’t trust what they don’t know.
Leon County Schools (LCS) must foster safe and inclusive school communities. This means that we are taking care of the whole child.
Communication is broken in the LCS school system. Global communication, transparent communication, and school-level communication are paramount. Highlighting the greatest need for communication between teacher and parent, with communication being a constant between parties.
There is a need for robust training for all stakeholders to understand the system and, more importantly, to trust it. It will allow the stakeholders to provide continuous and honest feedback that allows for active listening and modifications of our way of work within the entire school district.
Institute “Community Conversations” so stakeholders have more opportunities other than the board meetings to speak to district leadership for safe and supportive feedback.
Demand collaboration with city and county commissions at their board meetings and their presence at our meetings for open collaboration between our agencies.
Active discussions between LCS and government agencies to benefit district operations and the support of safe schools and sites throughout the district.