Area 2 - Inclusive Student Support Services 🍎

Nurturing is critical for individual and community growth

  • Student Wellbeing

  • Resiliency, global awareness, human relations, and multicultural perspectives are emphasized in all subject areas

  • To help each child live an emotionally balanced life by teaching skills and strategies to be resilient, identify the causes of stress, and reduce stress

Engaging parents and the community in the success of our students

  • The most powerful learning results from meaningful, active engagement

  • Improve communication between all stakeholders in our school system and community

Promoting equal access, inclusion strategies, and structures to address gaps and ensure all stakeholders are seen, heard, and valued

  • Faith in one's potential fosters confidence, which motivates effort and ultimately leads to accomplishment

  • All people have value and the capacity to grow and learn

  • Implementing innovative, individualized, and inquiry-based programming designed to address our students’ academic needs and needs for resiliency inside and outside the classroom.

  • Transition programs: Early Learning – Elementary – Middle – High – Post-Secondary/Workforce

  • Peer mentors K-12

Professional Development and Professional Learning

  • Professional Learning Community

  • Teacher and leadership development

  • Increase teacher and leadership capacity in order for Leon County Schools (LCS) to continuously develop strong school leaders

  • Staff support and engagement

Success for All Students

  • Curriculum development and support services

  • Private-public partnerships

  • College & career counseling

  • Robust adult and alternative education services

  • Improve practices to better student outcomes

  • To support a diverse learning community

  • To provide students with knowledge, skills, and support

Safe and Inclusive School Communities

  • Athletic and co-curricular activity programs are comprehensive, with a large percentage of students participating.

  • Finance, facility and asset management

  • Governance and board/superintendent collaboration

  • Fiscal accountability

  • Providing quality facilities that enhance our students’ learning experience and amplify our staff’s ability to deliver a high-quality curriculum.

  • Improve climate


  • There must be a supportive structure between the support of students, staff, teachers, school leaders, and district leaders.

  • Provide robust support for school leaders, teachers, and support staff in order to achieve the best student outcomes for ALL students.

  • Guided support for classroom management strategies that allow highly effective lessons to be taught to ALL students.

  • Schools must be a safe environment and inclusive to ALL students.

  • Highly effective training that takes place during the day from mentors on campus and off campus. Mentor training should be over 3 to 5 years to help develop them as a highly effective teacher for ALL students.

  • Develop strategies to keep leaders, teachers, and staff in their positions and not leave the district. We must improve their experiences.

  • School leaders should be thoughtful and intentional with assigned duties for new teachers as they begin their journey on campus to allow for them to prioritize their teaching preparation for their students.

  • Mental health, student support services, and resiliency of students must be known by all stakeholders. It must be expressly clear to students and their families how to seek help and for staff to know where to go for help with ALL students and their families.

  • Our communication in LCS needs to be repaired to help serve ALL students.